Experience the magic of Christmas ….


The magic of Christmas is the pleasure of sharing with those we love, that we may rarely see. Toast, change the world, enjoy.

The magic of Christmas is also the memories. Rediscover the taste of things past. For the emotion of the moment. Without remorse or regrets.

The magic of Christmas, it's the excitement of the moment. The decorations. Looking for a gift that might please, preparing a dish to share. Et, Above all, the simple pleasure of being there. Ensemble.

The magic of Christmas, c’est d’offrir à l’autre le meilleur de ce que l’on porte : attention, a gesture, un sourire.

The magic of Christmas, is sharing. Without a doubt.

Come to our meeting, we warmly welcome.

Be seduced by our beautiful typical handmade crafts, our decorations, and our Christmas items such as cribs Andean.