Latin night 6 June 2020 in Meistratzheim – COVID19 cancellation


As is tradition, we will be very happy to be back among friends(e)s for a new Latin night !

Spectacle, ballet, dance, having dinner …

Llapaku, a group of musicians from Bolivia boasts minimal Andean acoustic music, fine and powerful with lots of natural energy in wind instruments, strings and percussion.

Ballet Sin Fronteras broadcasts Bolivian culture through folk dances.

Animation in July & Co, dancing festive evening.

Crafts and Raffle

Présentation Soirée Latino :

Une belle soirée en perspective pour faire rayonner la solidarité !
A good show for a good cause, the benefit of our humanitarian actions.
Thank you to all those who make us the honor of their presence !
Opening doors 7:00 p.m., Animation drink with our musicians
Presentation of the association and actions by the President
Show and dance Llapaku Group and Ballet Sin Fronteras
The evening ends in the best Latino dance tubes with Julio & Co

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