Message for our members, of our supporters , of our volunteers, of our friends and acquaintances !


Bonjour à tous,


L’épidémie de coronavirus a eu un impact considérable sur un certain nombre de domaines.

Nous sommes restés très discrets ces derniers temps, à l’écoute de l’évolution du sujet qui nous oblige tous à vivre, travailler, se déplacer différemment.

Depuis plusieurs mois nous subissons une situation qui nous a contraint d’annuler les événements en préparation. Nous tenons à remercier tous nos bénévoles et nos partenaires qui avaient décidé de s’engager avec nous. We will of course count on them in 2021, hoping that the economic conditions weren't right for some of us.

So we decided, with great regret and reluctance, to cancel our parties “Soirée Latino” scheduled at 6 June 2020 in Meistratzheim and “Celtic evening” scheduled at 7 novembre 2020 à Plobsheim.

In the midst of a crisis concerning the Coronavirus Covid-19 pandemic, event organizers are strongly affected and must adapt to multiple external constraints, associative side, we also had to cut our markets, as well as our Bureau meetings.

Septembre, the start of the school year, autumn and in four months already Christmas !

Qany of us would have thought that the year 2020 serait une année si particulière pour nous tous.

But, despite that, we must continue our journey, like, share and dream ….

Let's continue this path together, for the happiness of otherwise capable children and people in extreme poverty.

To continue our activities and achieve the objectives that our association has set for itself, we rely mainly on the contributions paid by our members and the support of our donors. Ces cotisations et ces dons constituent notre principale source des recettes et rien ne serait possible sans cette forme de financement.

This is why I allow myself, to solicit you, some for the membership fee and others for a donation of support. (A tax receipt will be issued to you). The amount of this annual fee is set at € 20.00 (minors and students € 10.00)

You can download the membership / donation form on our website and return it to us with your payment.

Or connect directly to the HelloAsso site below:


I am confident in the continuity of your commitment and thank you in advance for your gesture.

Continuons ensemble notre élan de générosité ! Vos dons construisent leur avenir !


Looking forward to seeing each other again, Take good care of yourself.

Un immense merci pour votre confiance


A warm thank you to our members and donors who have already participated with their generous and faithful support during this year 2020. This shows the importance you give to our association and to our choices.


le 1er septembre 2020



Mille mercis à celles et ceux qui ont le sens de la gratitude car, comme les histoires de Shéhérazade, chaque merci reçu est une aide pour passer les nuits sombres et se maintenir dans le don renouvelé du matin


















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